I’ve created a bunch of utilities and like to document them here. Maybe someone else can use this to help their projects along.
I’ve created a bunch of utilities and like to document them here. Maybe someone else can use this to help their projects along.
This 14min TED talk is positioned toward women in middle management but is just as applicable to anyone in any stage of their career.
Google got some attention from an Inc article that describes their recent approach with slides that are light on text and bullets.
“HTTP/2 has header compression because of the RAM limitations of networking devices in the late 1970s.”
Use a Mac? Ok, then you need Homebrew (brew) and Cask. This isn’t a choice–you need this. These two programs make it crazy easy to install and update apps.
Test URLs to see if they respond and if the response has the correct data. Built with Spring Boot and React in order to test the feasibility of that combo.