3 Years of Quantum Magic

Today marks my 3 year anniversary at Quantum Metric. At Quantum, we’re pushing the market forward for how businesses create great digital experiences for their customers, and we’re building a truly great software company along the way.
I have the privilege to lead our Solutions/Sales Engineering (SE) team at Quantum Metric, and I wanted to reflect on some of the notable moments along my 3-year journey. From a company perspective:
- Tremendous headcount growth (13x) and revenue growth (>3000%)
- Multiple product/feature launches
- Launch of a new product category: Continuous Product Design
And I can honestly say there are no jerks in the company. Great people all around!
But the part that I feel the most warmth for is the SE team that we’ve built. This SE team is one of the best I’ve ever been a part of. It’s full of smart, hungry, gritty people from diverse backgrounds, all working their butts off to help close deals and grow the business. Along the way, we’ve built an SE culture of teamwork, curiosity, humility, persistence, and achievement. Some notable wins:
- A consistent 80%+ proof-of-concept win rate
- 6 internal SE promotions
- 100% deal attachment starting as early as discovery and extending into contracting
So cheers to 3 years of Quantum magic, and cheers to you SE team. Keep kicking butt! I’m looking forward to what we can build together over the next 3 years.